Our Programs

Foster Care Youth

Empowering youth through their pathways to independence

Migrant Kids

We provide unaccompanied migrant youth refuge, education, and reunification with parents or permanent placement solutions.


The southern border crisis has been a major concern for many people.  As of December 1, 2023, the Health and Human Services Agency’s care has 10,536 unaccompanied children. In May 2023, the average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody was 435 per day.  According to the New York Times, the number of unaccompanied minors entering the United States and detained in federal shelters after crossing the border, often alone reached a high of 130,000 last year.  

Many of these children seek asylum or flee violence in their home countries.  In Texas cities such as El Paso and other border cities have been dealing with an influx of minors sleeping on sidewalks and alleys due to the limited availability of shelters.  The situation has overwhelmed border facilities and has led to concerns about the treatment of migrants, particularly children. We must find humane and effective solutions to address this crisis and support those in need.

HVSI Solution

We provide safe temporary housing for unaccompanied migrant children seeking asylum or refuge.  Through an integrated approach with community agencies, such as SJRC Texas (formally known as St. Jude’s Ranch for Children), and other service providers, we offer:

  • Medical and mental health services, including trauma counseling and basic healthcare.
  • Educational services to ensure that the children can continue their schooling and receive the necessary resources to succeed.

Case management to help reunify children with their parents or find them permanent placement

Foster Care Youth

Imagine growing up without the love and support of family to guide you through life. That’s the stark reality for over 391,000 children in foster care in the US and over 8 million kids worldwide. Kids who, through no fault of their own, have found themselves in a system that – try as it might – often falls short.
Kids who have had opportunities and a shot at a real future are taken away from them by the actions of others.  Kids who just need a first chance at finding happiness and the love of family.

HVSI Solution

The Heritage Houses (4 homes) are a comprehensive residential, training, and treatment center that provides a safe and nurturing environment for young boys and girls aged 12 to 17 in Ft. Bend and Harris County.  Our primary objective is to assist these youth in achieving their treatment goals, transition successfully to their next phase in life, and return to a less restrictive environment. We receive referrals for youth through the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

Through a restorative process, we are reimagining reunification by designing programs that provide long-term safety and stability and create protective factors that promote our youth’s healthy development and well-being. We work to build mutual trust with youth, understanding the intersectionality that shapes their identities and experiences.

At The Heritage Campus for Children, we prioritize evaluating and assessing each child’s physical and mental health to ensure they receive the highest quality of care.  Your support is crucial in helping us continue to respond to the emerging needs of underserved youth.

Pictures of Our Homes for Youth

Veteran Families


The Greater Houston area is home to more than 300,000 veterans, the second largest veteran population in the United States. Veteran Statistics: 

17 Veterans kill themselves every day.

43.6 % of post 9/11 Veterans fear seeking mental heath support will harm their career.

18 days is the average wait time for treatment at a VA facility.

45% believe their friends and family would be more helpful than a professional.

HVSI Solution

The primary aim of our Support Series for Veteran Families Program is to help Veteran families who are currently experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.  Our wrap-around service include:

  • Outreach services
  • Case management services
  • Assistance in obtaining VA benefits
  • Assistance in obtaining and coordinating other public benefits available in the community
  • Health Care Navigation Services (and Mental Health Support)
  • Legal Services
  • Temporary financial assistance
  • Educational and Career Pathways with Mentorship opportunities